Bridgette in Sitka


My name is Bridgette Reynolds and live here in the Sitka. I am a teacher (Science and Health) at Blatchley Middle School. I spend my summers juggling my loves of gardening, commercial fishing, and Clayton, my 18-month-old. I spend extensive time hunting/gathering/gardening with my family and I am familiar with local (edible) flora, fungus, and algae. I get to focus more on gardening this year because I will only be commercial fishing with my husband for 3 weeks. I am being overly ambitious and have planted some extra early corn (pop and sweet) in my low/high tunnels. I love my gardening and will spends hours with Clay working in the garden. Today we got our first ripe tomato from our greenhouse. Olga’s yellow chicken from the seed trust. It was delicious!


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