Plant Dissections!

Here are the links to the plants I dissected on Thinglink! All of the plants I dissected ended up being from around my yard since the ones I tried to collect in the field fell apart or wilted before I got a chance to get a good look at them.

One comment

  1. Thanks Elias, these turned out very nicely! I love the image of the diadelphous stamen arrangement in vetch. The dissections of the flower of fireweed are also equisite. Yarrow is a bit of a difficult to dissect. It is in the sunflower family and has an inflorescence where numerous flowers are aggregated in a head or a capitulum. You find the white petaled ray flowers (that lack stamens but contain stigmas and ovaries) on the outside. These flowers are incomplete, unisexual and zygomorphic. To the inside you find disk flowers that lack the enlarged petals, but do have five little notches on the connate petals. These disk flowers are complete, bisexual, and actinomorphic. They show a ring of anthers that are fused. This anther fusion is called syngenesious and is unique to Asteraceae. Plant systematists that study the sunflower family are sometimes called synantherologists due to this unique condition. The bifid style arises from within this connation of anthers, the filaments are distinct.

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