Sarah Zulinke introduction

(Sorry this is late, I have been out of town and I forgot to bring my computer so I wasn’t able to view any of the assignments.)

I live around Seattle in Washington State. I enjoy hiking and backpacking but I don’t usually eat wild plants other than salmonberries and huckleberries as I am not confident in identification of plants that may be poisonous. While I would like to learn how to hunt and how to further identify plants so that I can eat them, circumstances have not been in my favor up to this point so I haven’t really been able to learn.

Recently I went backpacking on the western coast of my state in Olympic National Park. I saw a lot of seaweed and other sea plants as I was crossing rocky beach areas, and I wondered if they could be eaten. I have no idea if there are any species of seaweed that are inedible or poisonous.

My favorite plant is salal (picture not taken by me). It is a very pretty plant and is found everywhere in the forests here. Their berries are edible but I have not actually eaten them.

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