
Hi! Is anyone having troubles setting up their thinglink account? Every time I click the given link it takes me to the website but its not the same as the one shown in the tutorial. Did anyone else have this issue? If so were you able to fix it? Thanks!

Anyone want to join Alaska Science Teachers Association?

We have a website that we struggle to keep updated because our membership has dwindled through pandemic and general teacher overload. Every one of you who chose to learn more about our “backyards” over the summer models the kind of motivation ASTA would love to support. Check out the …

misc bears

If you have time for a study break, may I suggest to biology fans this link that is ever popular right now, and comes from the Katmai National Park, King Salmon, AK, on an online platform similar to iNaturalist, but videos, with chats:

Plant Voucher Specimens: bladder-campion, devilsclub, cowparsnip, yellow avens

Hello Everyone, I really enjoyed collecting and pressing “plant voucher specimens” for this class. This is my first attempt at pressing ever, and I did have some complications during my first run. For the press I used 2 boards of plywood and 2 tow straps (2 tow straps were sadly …

Dissection- Marguerite Argyranthemum frutescens, L. Asteraceae

Last but not least, the annual Marguerite Daisy. I thought this would be the least interesting flower but I actually enjoyed it a lot! It was the most fun to gather the images and I really love the images I was able to capture.


Hello, Everyone. My name is Ethan Cary. I am in the Air Force, and have been stationed at Eielson AFB for nearly two years. I am taking this class because I thought it would be more interesting than a standard Biology lab, and I would be able to learn a …


Hello, I’m Chelsea and I’ve lived here in Fairbanks area for nearly 20 years. I’m currently working as a Pharmacy Technician while I try finish my degree and figure out what I really want to do as a career. I live in Ester with my husband and I’m a mom …