Intro from Josh

Hi everyone! I am an anthropologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Office of Subsistence Management. I finished my PhD in ethnobiology at UAF in 2016 and my research focus was in ethnozoology, not the more common ethnobotany. Though I currently work as a social scientist, I also have …

Hello everyone!

I moved to Fairbanks this past October and I’m excited to learn more about botany in general and the flora of Alaska in particular! I work as a copywriter and copyeditor in industries that have nothing to do with botany, but I always love learning. A deeper knowledge of what …

Rosa acicularis dissection 2/4

Rosa acicularis, family ROSACEAE 1. Habitat- well drained hillside with alder, birch, wild geranium, and high bush cranberries. 2. Leaves, odd pinnate with simply serrate leaflets. 3. Inflorescence- flowers solitary 4. Flowers, perfect, actinomorphic, 5-merous. 5. Fruits- none present. 6. Five petals. 7. Five sepals. 8. Many stamen. 9. Indehiscent …

Bridgette in Sitka

Hello! My name is Bridgette Reynolds and live here in the Sitka. I am a teacher (Science and Health) at Blatchley Middle School. I spend my summers juggling my loves of gardening, commercial fishing, and Clayton, my 18-month-old. I spend extensive time hunting/gathering/gardening with my family and I am familiar …