Delayed Introduction

Hi Everyone! My name is Jayce Bjelland. I am originally from San Diego, CA but moved up to Fairbanks with my 3-year-old German shepherd Arlo in 2022 after transferring to UAF from my previous college. I am currently majoring in Wildlife Biology. I have a huge passion for waterfowl and am currently fostering that passion in my current job at Creamers Field working for Alaska Fish & Game.

I’ll admit I have never had much particular interest in plants but have enjoyed the plant-focused courses I have taken at UAF so far and would love to continue building that foundation of knowledge, especially as I have become more interested in foraging and gardening since moving to Alaska. I don’t know that I have a specific favorite plant but I tend to most enjoy plants that are “odd” or have unusual, unique features either in the way they look or function. Lately, I’ve been particularly captivated by the tall bluebells I’ve been finding around town, I really love the way the flowers hang so delicately!

Me and my dog Arlo.
Tall Bluebells (Mertensia paniculata)

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