Plant Dissections: Using Knives for Science !


Canadian Bunchberry:

Red Raspberry:


Labrador Tea:


I really enjoyed making these dissections! Who doesnt love being able to cut things into pieces for science ? 🙂 I will say I definitely struggled when it came to separating and counting the smaller components (e.g. stamen). I also had trouble getting a decent cross section of some of the fruits.

If you have any issues viewing the ThingLinks, please let me know. I think I have the right settings…

Thinglink Note: While I think I prepared an adequate curation using this service, I felt a little limited. For example, I would have loved to be able to add captions to each photo, adjust the photo size, and have more of a gallery of text/image tags. So, in hindsight, it may have been better to use PowerPoint, as I love the range of what PowerPoint can do. Having said that, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn a new way of presenting info and hopefully will have a future chance to use it!

One comment

  1. Awesome Emma, I understand. ThingLink does have some limitation, but it is also a nice way of relating the structures to each other. I like their video tour features, but I also like Photoshop, Powerpoint for doing plates for the dissections. Your dissections are great, you made some nice dissections of the fruits and took some nice macrophotographs! I chose labrador tea for a composite images, nice xs of the fruit!

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