Alicia’s Plant Dissections

I wanted to pick flowers I was familiar with and knew where to find as I am not in my hometown and without many tools. I’m currently in Hydaburg, AK and don’t venture out much past town because of bears and don’t have a car, so I picked some flowers that are hard to see the reproductive parts especially without a microscope unfortunately and didn’t bother trying to order a lens or any kind of magnifying tools because I don’t know how long mail takes to get here and am only here for the summer. That being said, these are some of my favorites around Southeast Alaska and you’ll notice repeats from my herbarium specimens as I wanted to get more familiar with them. Below the ThingLinks are attached:

Salal Berry/Gualtheria shallon

Bunchberry/Cornus canadensis

Foxglove/Digitalis purpurea

Red Clover/Trifolium pratense

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