Dichotomous Key
A1. Is the plant woody? Bin 1 A2 Is the plant herbaceous? Go to B B1 Does it have a single flower? Bin 3 B2 Does it show inflorescence? Go to C C1 Does it have visible petals? Bin 2 C2 Does it not have visible petals? Bin 4
A1. Is the plant woody? Bin 1 A2 Is the plant herbaceous? Go to B B1 Does it have a single flower? Bin 3 B2 Does it show inflorescence? Go to C C1 Does it have visible petals? Bin 2 C2 Does it not have visible petals? Bin 4
Attached are the images and description of my dissection of Pisum sativum. BreynoldsFabaceae BreynoldsFabaceaeb
Attached are my images and description of my dissection of Rosa rugosa “Alba.” BreynoldsRosaceae BreynoldsRosaceaeb
Attached are the images and description of my dissection of Ranunculus repens. BreynoldsRanunculaceae BreynoldsRanunculaceaeb
Attached are my images and description of my plant dissection of Heracleum maximum. BreynoldsApiaceae BreynoldsApiaceaeb
I made my plant press out of pieces of plywood from our garage and several textbooks. Berries are near and dear to my heart so I pressed two species of berries I have in my community. The thimbleberry is my absolute favorite berry of all time and I bushwhacked through …
Hello! My name is Bridgette Reynolds and live here in the Sitka. I am a teacher (Science and Health) at Blatchley Middle School. I spend my summers juggling my loves of gardening, commercial fishing, and Clayton, my 18-month-old. I spend extensive time hunting/gathering/gardening with my family and I am familiar …