Pressed Plants

I collected the three plant specimens on my property that borders Kluane National Park in Haines Junction, Yukon. The habitat is an open black spruce (Picea mariana) forest on disturbed sandy soil facing southeast. It was an enjoyable process. The Polemonium acutiflorum was so delicate it kept sticking to the …

Plant Voucher Specimens: bladder-campion, devilsclub, cowparsnip, yellow avens

Hello Everyone, I really enjoyed collecting and pressing “plant voucher specimens” for this class. This is my first attempt at pressing ever, and I did have some complications during my first run. For the press I used 2 boards of plywood and 2 tow straps (2 tow straps were sadly …

Pressed plants

I’ve been having internet issues at home and finally got a neighbor’s permission to drop a couple of small trees to improve my line of sight to the tower. These plants were collected while housesitting for a friend, so I chose to indicate Township/Range/Section rather than post what is essentially …