
Hello,! I have enjoyed reading all of your introductions. We hav a really diverse group here! My name is Jenifer. I live in Fairbanks, AK with my husband and two children. I am an elementary music teacher and I get to work with pre-K – 5th grade students. I love to garden, but I have no formal training in botany. Mostly I have learned through trial and error and talking with other gardeners. Our family loves to hike and explore the outdoors. I have a few plant identification books. Mostly our plant talk is along the lines of “I think that is a …..” , “I’m pretty sure this is …..” or That plant is probably a ….”. I’m looking forward to learning more about plants and gaining more confidence in identifying the plants around us. We do pick blueberries, raspberries, dandelions, and fireweed. I know which ones those are! One of my favorite plants is fireweed. I love its versatility and its bold color later in summer. For this class I will mostly use my iPhone camera to photograph pants. I also have a canon camera and a couple of lenses with macro capabilities that I will be experimenting with. I am really excited about this class, and look forward to learning more about Alaska flora!

One comment

  1. Welcome Jenifer,
    that is a serious camera! I am looking forward to some awesome plant documentations from you. Yes, fireweed is a fabulous plant. I love the white fireweed honey – the champagne of honeys. It is fully translucent, and very delicious. As a pioneer species after fires firweed can develop large carpets of fireweed and turn the landscape pink. How this photographer captured these images of polar bears in the landscape is really amazing. They are from Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada by Dennis Fast Photography.

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