
Hi, my name is Yvonne. I am studying for my Associate of Science. I always said I would get to it one day so I made a start last year. Introduction to Psychology, Indigenous Cultures of Alaska and Introduction to Ethnobotany so far.

When I first visited Fairbanks it was March and 40 below. I am from Australia and had never experienced anything like this. Then everything changed, almost overnight. It got warm, the snow and ice melted, and there were flowers. Everywhere! I walked around taking photos of hanging baskets people had filled with beautiful color.

I like to grow things and forage. Blueberry picking is the best. My favorite plants are Viola tricolor (Violaceae) because of their happy little faces and lovely color combinations. I like Actaea Rubra (Ranunculaceae) because it is quite beautiful. And Taraxacum officinale (Asteraceae) is very special. I used to like hunting a long while ago. Now I sometimes fish for halibut. I am a bit daunted by this course but also looking forward to learning even more about plants. Thank you!

Actaea Rubra
Taraxacum officinale
Viola tricolor


  1. Welcome Yvonne,
    yes, the changing of winter to summer in Alaska is pretty stunning. I miss having spring and fall, as I feel it goes right from winter to summer in very quick progression, and late summer turns into winter quickly as well. But of course the summers are glorious and long considering the added day length. So many places and plants to explore. And of course there are Alaska peonies, and they sure put on a spectacular display these days. Below one of my fernleaf hybrids, a small peony with highly dissected leaves and deep crimson petals.

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