Dichotomous key for the four plants.

Dichotomous key

A = tree like —————————————————————— B

A1 = herbaceous ——————————————————————C

B = pine cones —————————————————————— pine 

B1 = no pine cones———————————————————— willow 

C = entire margin, simple leaf ——————————————————– sapling willow 

C1 = compounding leaves ————————————————————— D

D = odd pinate compound————————————– rock cress young

D1 palmate compound ——————————————— pasque flower 

this is only useful for the assignment we are doing in module two and is not applicable in other situations.

One comment

  1. Denise Wally

    Hi Thomas,
    I used your dichotomous key. It was very similar to mine. The only suggestion I would make (I am a retired forester) is that the pine is actually a spruce, and the use of “pine cone” could be simplified to “cone” since all of the conifers have a cone of one sort or another, not just pines. Regardless, I got to the the correct plant for each of the pictures using your key and you did a nice job of making it easy to follow and understand. I like that you also used very distinct yet ordinary plant parts (plant morphology, leaf morphology, and reproductive structures) for your decisions that someone new to botany could determine without much trouble. Nice job!

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