Karolyn Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Karolyn, and I am Suqpiag from Kodiak. My journey with plants up to this point is that nature has always been my happy place, forests and beaches in particular. My family did not have any interest in plants, so I was the only one. I can recall many days as a child being outside and sitting with a plant for a long time, getting to know it and observing it, often coming back throughout the year and seeing how it has changed over the seasons. Plants have always made me feel peaceful and deeply appreciative for their presence. As an adult, I love attaching names and quantifiable information to these plants that I know by my senses, and it has been wonderful so far. I am taking this class for my personal fulfillment and joy.

My favorite plant currently is sour dock as I have been craving it in the last few weeks. I love when they are juicy and sour; that tart taste is better than any candy to me! I want to harvest some this year, blend it, and freeze it to enjoy throughout the winter. There are a few spots where I know it grows on the island, and I hope to find some soon!


  1. kathleen

    Hi, I lived in Kodiak for awhile and now live in Homer. I’m curious how you eat sourdock…which parts, how to process/ cook, etc.

    thanks, kathy

  2. Welcome Karolyn,
    I have never eaten sourdock, but we have created a series of videos on ethnobotany, and here is one on sourdock, maybe there is some useful information in there for you. https://youtu.be/UMjwZtuRiVU?si=2_U1LM8FGFq1HPOM, there are a number of other ones available on the UA Museum of the North website https://www.uaf.edu/museum/collections/herb/ethnobotany/

    Glad you are able to join us and get more inspired about the flora all around us.

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