Dichotomous Key – Basil

A. Plant has needles……… Plant 1

A1. Plant has leaves………Go to B

B. Plant has incomplete flowers……… Plant 4

B1. Plant has complete flowers……… Go to C

C. Flowers have 4 petals……… Plant 2

C1. Flowers have 3 petals……… Plant 3

The explanation of dichotomous keys in the video reminded me of those flowchart personality quizzes they put in magazines, so I created a flowchart as well for my dichotomous key because it makes more sense to me in that format. I’m not sure if indents are unable to be added on WordPress or if I am doing it wrong, but hopefully my key is still simple to use without the proper formatting.

One comment

  1. Bree Smith

    Hi Basil!
    I really like the diagram that you created, it is a great visual to have when keying out these plants. It was easy to key out each plant with the key that you made. I noticed that you put “plant has leaves”, and I was curious as to whether I should put this on mine because when looking at the photos provided, it looks like plant 3 does not have any leaves present on the stem or at the base. Do you know if they do? One suggestion I have is you could add more information about the flowers under “C”, such as the color of the petals and the type of ovary that is present in each. Great job!

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