Introduction: Harriet (Hattie) Casserly

Hi everyone!

My name is Harriet Casserly, although I prefer to be called by my nickname Hattie. I use she/her/hers pronouns and I live in San Anselmo, California on Miwok territory. I live with my partner and our sweet dog, Samwise.

I am an interdisciplinary student pursuing a BS degree in pharmacognosy with a minor in ethnobotany. This is my last EBOT class which is inspiring and also sad! This program has been incredible, I wish I could continue on!

I am fascinated by the power of plants and the endless opportunity to continuously learn. Since I pivoted my focus from music to plants, three years ago, I feel like I have learned a lifetime worth of new information, which only scratches the surface of all that is left to learn. An inspiring and mental “place to be” for any fellow lifelong learners in this class!

After graduation, I hope to continue my studies, into medicine.

I look forward to learning from, and alongside you all!


One comment

  1. Welcome Hattie,
    great to have you in class. Looking forward to your observations from California. Seaweeds are amazing, although I have not made any collections of these myself yet, but we have a number of them in the herbarium. Maybe you can make some for the press your own plants activity?
    Below an image of a seaweed from the herbarium here at UAF.

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