Dichotomous Key-Delainey

  1. Plant grows as a tall, barked tree
    1. Picea spp.
  2. Plant has flowers
    1. Stems and leaves are smooth, flowers purple
      1. Pulsatilla spp.
  3. Stems and leaves are hairy/fuzzy
    1. Flowers yellow
      1. Solidago spp.
    2. Flowers white
      1. Arabis spp.

One comment

  1. Dana Miller

    Hello! I like your key a lot, I think it was clear and concise. I think the only thing that I would change is just to make the key flow a little better. When I think dichotomous key the “questions” or “statements” should connect to the next one, for example the first question should have another statement if the plant did not grow as a tall, barked tree then B. would be “Go to question 2.”

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