Dissections Dissection (3 of 4) By Kat June 30, 2018 June 30, 2018 Rubus idaeus (European Red Raspberry) Family: Rosaceae Habitat: Leaves: Flower (5 petals) Stamens: Carpels: Dissection (2 of 4) Dissection (4 of 4) One comment Steffi Ickert-Bond July 2, 2018 at 7:58 am 7 years ago Wow, the picture of all the stamens is impressive. Well done. Try to add some more descriptions to your findings, like whether or not the ovary is superior or not, and what the sepals are like, is there an epicalyx? Comments are closed.
Steffi Ickert-Bond July 2, 2018 at 7:58 am 7 years ago Wow, the picture of all the stamens is impressive. Well done. Try to add some more descriptions to your findings, like whether or not the ovary is superior or not, and what the sepals are like, is there an epicalyx?
Wow, the picture of all the stamens is impressive. Well done. Try to add some more descriptions to your findings, like whether or not the ovary is superior or not, and what the sepals are like, is there an epicalyx?