My name is Samantha. I would define myself as a beginner when it comes to understanding plants. I enjoy admiring plants, I have many house plants, and during the summer I enjoy growing various flowers, herbs, and some type of produce. This year I have covered my deck in potted plants which I am excited about. Some of my favorite types of plants are mosses, dandelions, and black spruce. I look forward to learning more about plants and specifically Alaska plants. For a microscope I ordered this desktop microscope: https://www.newegg.com/p/079-01JA-00002?Item=9SIA4RE7CT2891 and this phone accessory: https://www.newegg.com/p/0GR-00PB-00001?Item=9SIAMYCBR80078. I hope to have them both by the end of this week.

Welcome Samantha!
Dandelions are starting to take over my front yard. They are sure attracting a lot of bees. I love when they go to seed and send out their parachutes to explore and colonize new areas. Great you are getting some toys for this class. The little USB microscope should be fun for looking at some details and taking images. You should be o.k. for the first iNaturalist assignment without them. Start making observations and take lots of images of what you see, the more the better for the iNaturalist observations. Leaves overall, close-ups, flowers overall close-up and habitat pictures are great. (The picture below is not mine rather from the internet…).