My name is Amanda I am an Outdoor Leadership student at Prince William Sound College in Valdez. I am very new to botany but have always been interested in learning about it. I grew up helping my mom with the garden and always enjoyed taking care of the plants. Last year I began foraging and collected a lot of morels from the wildfires near Soldotna. This summer I began foraging for devils club, fiddleheads, fireweed shoots, nettle, and watermelon berry. I plan to forage for kelp and seaweed soon.
I am very excited about this class and for learning a new botanical language. I look forward to learning about plants; hopefully which ones are edible and have medicinal benefits.
I decided to get the CoPedvic Phone Camera Lenses (wide-angle, macro, and fisheye) for taking photos with my smartphone. I also have a camera that I may use from time to time as well.

Welcome Amanda,
what a gorgeous picture of the Chocolate lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis (L.) Ker-Gawl.). I hope your smartphone attachments will make your adventures more fun. It looks like you might need a tripod to keep the camera upright with the large objective attachment. I am looking forward to more observations of plants in your area. Welcome! I still use my digital SLR a lot of times in the field, it is a bit to log around, but my phone is not that great to take landscape images, so I prefer my camera.