

My name is Krista Chadwick and I teach 2nd grade at Valdez City Schools.  Previously, I have taught middle school and 5th grade. My husband is a high school teacher and coach and we have lived and worked in 5 different districts in Alaska (Hydaburg, Craig, SISD, KPSD and Valdez) while raising our 6 children and 5 foster children.

I am hoping to broaden my meager understanding of all things plants in this class. I took a Phenomena-based Environmental Science for Teachers class at the end of May where I fell in love with nature journaling but was frustrated to have little to no understanding about the names or attributes of the plants that surround me. It was also during that class that I heard about and signed up for this class.

 As I share my love for nature journaling with my students this fall, I hope to be able to teach them more about the plants in our area. For the past 5 years, science has been put on the back burner in our district. I want to change that.

I love to paint, play pickleball, cook, read, refinish furniture, and play Settlers of Catan. I look forward to learning from you in this class.


One comment

  1. Welcome Krista,
    sounds like you have been living the Alaska educator life full throttle as well as raising your kids. I hope you will be able to use some of the newly acquired knowledge from this class to share with your students. I think there are many aspects that can be applied across the K-12 curriculum.

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