Plant Bingo

I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to collect, but then we got rained out and had to pack up camp. Luckily, I may have captured enough various Alaskan plants over the summer, so I think I made it work well enough. I was unsure about a …

Plant bingo

I was able to personally locate 5/9 plants on my bingo card. For the additional squares, I researched native plants in my region. Photo credits: Acer macrophyllum L. (Sapinsaceae): Josh Jackson, iNaturalist Claytonia perfoliate C. (Montiaceae): SDSU, Sinapis arvensis L. (Brassicaceae): Joshua Mayer, Rosa californica G. (Rosaceae): USDA …

Plant Bingo

Since I was mostly in Nevada this week, lots of the plants don’t fall into the categories. I tried my best to find some in Michigan but I’ve been doing a lot of traveling around the city. The ones highlighted in green are my own photos, and unfortunately, I had …