Plant BINGO!

Hey yall! I collected these photos while bushwhacking my way across the island. I tried to collect them as I went but found they would get smashed or ruined in my pack while we worked. I later realized that I also had no way to print out the BINGO card …

Plant Bingo

I got the oregano photo from here. I honestly kind of struggled with this. I know the silique example is not quite right since lupine isn’t truly silique, but I couldn’t find any other examples that were close to it. I’ve noticed the cold summer on the Kenai Peninsula seems …

Bingo- Emily Camp

Attached below is my attempt at the bingo! I ran around for hours looking for 3 of the bingo spaces from the provided bingo sheet and couldn’t find them, so I replaced them with some cool examples I found from our vocabulary. This was shockingly fun and helped me understand …

Plant Bingo

I enjoyed this “game” and really felt like I was on firmer ground vocab-wise by time I got it together to fill the card. Needle was from Sitka spruce. (Spring tradition down here is collecting the tips of new growth to trade at our brewery for beer. Connation was fused …