Plant Bingo

In the first photo, I am unable to fit my silique example on the board, but the second and third photos do add examples of the silique, which is common in the mustard (Brassicaceae) family. I have also included an example of a flower that produces this type of fruit, …

Plant B-I-N-G-O

For terms, I decided to use: needle, connation, actinomorphic, syngenesious, legume, inferior ovary, septicidal capsule, axile placentation, and porate anther dehiscence. Attached is the word document for my plant bingo submission. Any (?) indicates a bit of uncertainty. Screenshots of the word document:

Plant Bingo

I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to collect, but then we got rained out and had to pack up camp. Luckily, I may have captured enough various Alaskan plants over the summer, so I think I made it work well enough. I was unsure about a …

Plant bingo

I was able to personally locate 5/9 plants on my bingo card. For the additional squares, I researched native plants in my region. Photo credits: Acer macrophyllum L. (Sapinsaceae): Josh Jackson, iNaturalist Claytonia perfoliate C. (Montiaceae): SDSU, Sinapis arvensis L. (Brassicaceae): Joshua Mayer, Rosa californica G. (Rosaceae): USDA …

Plant BINGO!

Hey yall! I collected these photos while bushwhacking my way across the island. I tried to collect them as I went but found they would get smashed or ruined in my pack while we worked. I later realized that I also had no way to print out the BINGO card …

Plant Bingo

I got the oregano photo from here. I honestly kind of struggled with this. I know the silique example is not quite right since lupine isn’t truly silique, but I couldn’t find any other examples that were close to it. I’ve noticed the cold summer on the Kenai Peninsula seems …