Dichotomous Key

Dichotomous Key for Picea (Spruces) – Plant 1 Image Needles not clustered, directly attached to a twig  Needles lie flat Needles straight, ⅝-1” long, sharp, growing on all sides of branches………. Sitka Spruce (Picea Sitchensis)  Needles on all sides Needles straight, 2.5cm long (longer needles), sharp, four-angled, and roll between …

Dichotomous Key

    A. Species is a tall forest tree with cones…………………………………… plant 1 A’. Species found in forest understory, smaller trees and lacking cones……………………… B. Plants with prominent midrib on the leaves – plant 4 B’ Plants lacking prominent midrib on the leaves- C C. Species with hairy stems and …

Dichotomous key

A.  Plants with needle-like leaves; non-flowering plant…..………Plant 1 A1.  Plants with needle-like leaves, broad leaves, or stemless; flowering plant B.  Plants with white or yellow petals C.  Plants with white petals…………………………………Plant 2 C1.  Plants with yellow petals……………………………..Plant 3 B1.  Plants with no petals……………………………………………Plant 4

Dichotomous key

1A.  Leaves needle-like; stems woody…………………………………………………………………………….      Plant 1 1B.  Leaves with flattened blade, simple or lobed; stems herbaceous………………………………………………       2 2A.  Leaves deeply lobed; stamens numerous; petals purple………………………………………………      Plant 3 2B.  Leaves unlobed; stamens 2-6; petals white or absent…………………………………………………..      3 3A.  Flowers either staminate or pistillate on separate inflorescences; petals absent…..      Plant …