Plant Dissections

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup) Family: Aconitum delphiniifolium DC. Larkspurleaf monkshood Fabaceae (Pea) Family: Trifolium hybridum L.   Alsike Clover Asteraceae (Aster) Family: Erigeron acer L. Bitter Fleabane   Ericaceae (Heather) Family Orthilia secunda L. One-sided wintergreen  

Dichotomous Key

A Coniferous plants -B A’ Herbaceous plants -C  B Coniferous tree with needles (plant 1) C Herbaceous plants with petals (plant 2)(plant 3) C’ Herbaceous plants with without petals (plant 4) D Herbaceous plant with white petals (plant 2) D’ Herbaceous plant with purple petals (plant 3)  


Hello, I’m Chelsea and I’ve lived here in Fairbanks area for nearly 20 years. I’m currently working as a Pharmacy Technician while I try finish my degree and figure out what I really want to do as a career. I live in Ester with my husband and I’m a mom …