Category: Dissections
Four dissections
My four dissections can be found on Thinglink at the following URLS. Specimen: Pisum sativum L., garden pea, Specimen: Myosotis L. (prob. sylvatica), Forget-me-not, Specimen: Fragaria x ananassa Dichesne., garden strawberry, cultivar “Charlotte”, Specimen: Ranunculus repens L., creeping buttercup, I am also attaching the MS …
Dissections – from the field
It has been raining quite a bit which means I have been able to be inside of a tent and doing some dissections.
Plant dissections
I’ve completed four dissections and I include links below from Thinglink. I may try to add a pic or two of habitat but otherwise they are relatively complete. I’m frustrated I can’t figure out the species of rose, but it’s likely a horticultural variety. Also, I’ve never used Thinglink but …
I had some issues with Thinglink – the site kept locking up when I went to create a new item. So, I have attached a PDF copy of my dissections. Hope this works! Freiman Dissections
Dissection #4 Rhubarb
Rhubarb dissection Rhubarb plant in the genus Rheum Polygonaceae family. Found growing along the Chena river at Princess Lodge in Fairbanks Alaska. Herbaceous Perennial. Small scale habitat with a plant height of 16 inches. Rhizomes form along with leaves with very large petioles. The leaves are elongated and heart-shaped. Similar …
Dissection #3 Sunflower
Sunflower or Asteraceae Family with inflorescence of Ray florets that appear similar to petals shapes. Found growing along with greenhouse at the Princess Hotel Lodge in Fairbanks Alaska. Small scale habitat. About 3ft and 4 inches. Capitulum inflorescence flower accompanied by disc florets forms the head of the flower. …
Plant dissections
Thinglink dissections Rosaceae – Rosa acicularis Adoxaceae – Viburnum edule Iridaceae – Iris setosa Asteraceae – Achillea millefolium
Dissection 2 Basil
Dissection Basil Genovese Basil or Ocimum basilicum is a culinary herb of the Lamiaceae family Found growing along with greenhouse in Fairbanks Alaska. Annual Apical bud with vegetative shooting Small buds have shown The leaf is blade-shaped and 4cm Petioles are shown well Axillary buds, nodes, …
Dissection FireWeed #1
Dissection for Fireweed #1 Hopefully, this will work. I do not have access to a computer, and my chrome book was having difficulty running thinglink.
Dissection 2, 3, & 4: Watermelon berry, Highbush cranberry, and Blueberry
Watermelon berries (Streptopus amplexifolius) Grows in very wet, dense undergrowth, usually with ferns and skunk cabbage. Alternate, oblong-lanceolate leaves Leaves are sessile Parallel venation Fruits (berries) hang from axils/peduncles Axile placentation 3 carpels Highbush cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) Widely spread but grows abundantly in understory of mixed spruce/birch …