Pressed Plants

I harvested and pressed this Eskimo potato plant, called Masu in Nome, and I was not able to dig up the roots as they are deep and I did not have the proper tools or the time to do this properly.   I therefore added a photo of a drawing …

Pressed plants

I was in Fairbanks last week and was delighted that Fireweed had already started to blossom there. Here in Anchorage it just starts to bloom in very sunny places. My travel pressing kit consisted of a field guide, paper towels, and a bag of Premium Blazer Wood Pallets.   Pressed …

Voucher Specimen

Sorry this is so late. I think this assignment was a learning lesson for me. I pressed a plant and wasn’t fully thinking about how it would turn out all flat. I wish I had taken one of the flowers off and put it face down so I could see …

Pressed plants

I had fun making a plant press from cardboard, newspaper, and a few heavy books. I used to do this a lot as a kid, but I’ve never written out the herbarium specimen cards. I am actually not positive on the ID’s of both of these. I have really been …

Iris setosa

We have had rain every day for weeks so my sample is staining the paper.   Good for berries but sad for flowers and veggies. Attached are three photos of iris growing along our lake front.   The ovary appears to have three open carpel compartments, with axial placentation. The …