Dissections 3 & 4

Here is my final dissections.   It is broken into several pages due to size. 3rd and 4th Dissections for Intro to Alaska Flora F195 Page 1-2 3rd and 4th Dissections for Intro to Alaska Flora F195 Page 3-7 This was a great experience, wish I would have started early …

Dissections 1 & 2

My first two dissections are documented in PDF form below.   The final file was too big to upload so I split them up into several pages. 1st and 2nd Dissections for Intro to Alaska Flora F195 Page 1 1st and 2nd Dissections for Intro to Alaska Flora F195 Pages …

Fireweed~ Dissection #1

Please find dissection #1 attached below… Fireweed~ Chamerion angustifolium My apologies for the format. I tried to figure out and work with ThingLink but I was having troubles and honestly didn’t have the time to figure out a new program…. Alaska summers, so much to do, so little summer!