Category: Pressed Plants
Pressed plants
I made my plant press out of pieces of plywood from our garage and several textbooks. Berries are near and dear to my heart so I pressed two species of berries I have in my community. The thimbleberry is my absolute favorite berry of all time and I bushwhacked through …
Little Plant Pressing
I have my daughter’s little plant press so I am going to press little plants! More to come … they need another day or so.
Pressed Plants
I forgot to add that I collected both of these on the 17th, I did have some collected earlier in the week but they were destroyed by my two bulldogs.
Pressed Plants
This was my first time pressing plants. It was a neat experience collecting these and then pressing them to store for future reference. I like the idea of having a physical piece of them instead of just taking a photo. I realize I could have grabbed more of the plant …
Pressed Plant – Mulberry
The herbarium specimens below are of two species of mulberry trees growing here. According to Sally Weeks, dendrologist at Purdue University, red mulberry (Morus ruba L.) is native to North American and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) is an invasive from Asia brought over in the 1600’s to …