Intro from Josh

Hi everyone! I am an anthropologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Office of Subsistence Management. I finished my PhD in ethnobiology at UAF in 2016 and my research focus was in ethnozoology, not the more common ethnobotany. Though I currently work as a social scientist, I also have …

Hello everyone!

I moved to Fairbanks this past October and I’m excited to learn more about botany in general and the flora of Alaska in particular! I work as a copywriter and copyeditor in industries that have nothing to do with botany, but I always love learning. A deeper knowledge of what …

Hello Classmates

Hello classmates, I am excited to take this course and learn more about our local flora.   My name is BeLinda Ebel.   I am a homeschooling mother of four children.   One has graduated and the remaining three are entering grades 12, 9, and 7. I have lived in …

Pressed plants

I was in Fairbanks last week and was delighted that Fireweed had already started to blossom there. Here in Anchorage it just starts to bloom in very sunny places. My travel pressing kit consisted of a field guide, paper towels, and a bag of Premium Blazer Wood Pallets.   Pressed …