Dissection (4 of 4)

Cornus Canadensis (Canadian Bunchberry) Family: Cornaceae Habitat: Leaves:   Overview (6 whorled leaves): Flowers: Petals: Center of flower (within are individual flowers with pedicels, pistils, and stamens): Pistils: Stamens from a single pistil:    

Dissection (2 of 4)

Pyrola Asarifolia (Bog Wintergreen) Habitat: Inflorescence/flowers (as you can see there are not a lot of leaves except for the small attachment at the base of the pedicel) : Petals (note adnation of stamens fused with petals) : Sepals: Stamens: Carpel: Pistil: Ovary:  


It’s something of a mess but these are my dissections of four different flowers found at UAF’s campus. The fours dissections are of Ox-Eyed Daisies (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), Bleeding Heart Flowers (Lamprocapnos spectabilis), Lilacs (Syringa pubescens), and a white flower from a shurb outside of Moore Hall at UAF I couldn’t …