Dichotomous Key

1a: Plant with cones……. Plant 1         1b: Plant without cones             2a Leaves lanceolate or narrow and pubescent                         3a Leaves gathered near top of stem ….. Plant 3                         3b Leaves more numerous near base of stem …. Plant 2             2b Leaves ovate and pubescent …. Plant 4

Dichotomous key for the four plants.

Dichotomous key A = tree like —————————————————————— B A1 = herbaceous ——————————————————————C B = pine cones —————————————————————— pine  B1 = no pine cones———————————————————— willow  C = entire margin, simple leaf ——————————————————– sapling willow  C1 = compounding leaves ————————————————————— D D = odd pinate compound————————————– rock cress young D1 palmate compound …