Dichotomous key

A.Plant One: B. Needles with flat cross section–slightly rounded at the tip, green in colour–some brown spots. B1. Branchlets glabrous; cones. B2. Thick, cylindrical bole (trunk)–aereal stem of plant.  B3. Perennial plant. A. Plant Two: C. Flower white in colour. C1. Rootstock stout; drooping. C2. Compound plants. C3. Nodes and …

Plant Bingo 2023

I tried to find a live specimen for the “porate anther dehiscence”. I had just planted an American wintergreen, which is in the Ericaceae family, but the squirrels had eaten all the berries! I decided to use my drawing of crowberry that I drew for EBOT 100 last summer. There …


Hello, My name is Krista Chadwick and I teach 2nd grade at Valdez City Schools.  Previously, I have taught middle school and 5th grade. My husband is a high school teacher and coach and we have lived and worked in 5 different districts in Alaska (Hydaburg, Craig, SISD, KPSD and …