
Hello everyone! I’m Stefanie. I live in Anchorage, working and attending school full time going for my degree in biology. Currently I am a graphic designer but would like to work full time with wildlife in the future. I am very excited to take this class because I would like …


    Hello, my name is Rodolfo Garcia! I am a 3rd year student at UAF studying biochemistry. I am originally from Los Angeles, CA. I gained a love for gardening and plants in general last summer when perhaps for the first time in my life, I spontaneously succeeded at …


Hello, everybody! My name is Lucia and I am really excited to be taking this class. I have lived in Alaska for 25 years and every summer I faithfully haul Wildflowers Along the Alaska Highway just about everywhere I go. It’s taken only half my life so far to become …


Hello, my name is Ryan Ackles I am 28 years old and a medically retired military veteran. I currently live in Wasilla with my wife, 3 dogs, and 4 cats, so to say I have a busy house hold is an understatement. I am currently a senior at UAA working …

Laura Emerson, intro

Hi, Class!  I am so pleased to participate in this course.  I have wanted this sort of content delivered on-line in a community setting for several years.  My husband and I live a 20 minute flight from the nearest road (N of Anchorage, S of Denali).  My science background is …


Hi Everyone! My name is Katie, but I go by Kat. I grew up in California and moved to Fairbanks about three years ago in pursuit of adventure and a college degree. I am now a senior in the accounting program at UAF and am taking this course because, while …

Hello Everyone!

Hello! My name is Katie Roseberry. I live all the way at the top of Alaska, in Barrow. I have taken a few plant classes through my Ethnobotany certificate program, which I will be finishing up this summer with the help of this class. It’s been a while since I’ve …


Hi, My name is Stefanie, I’m originally from Germany and moved to Alaska full-time in 2012. Before I moved here I spent 3 summers in Denali, working as a hiking guide and yoga instructor, and got to know the plants in the park very well. I now live in Anchorage …


Hello Fellow Classmates! My name is Ann Biddle and I live in beautiful Gakona in the Copper River Valley. I am currently enrolled in the M.A. program in Cross-Cultural Studies, and I have a background in Anthropology and Ethnobotany. I’m excited to blow the dust of the brain cells that …


Hello everyone! I am a poet, musician, and nature enthusiast from Fairbanks.  Learning to identify things in nature is immensely satisfying. It’s been a few years since I took a plant biology class and I’d like to freshen up my vocabulary and learn new skills.