Dichotomous key

Dichotomous Key A. Leaves needlelike, plant tree form, fruit is a cone (Bin 1) A.  Leaves flat, plant herbaceous and flowering B.  Leaves Simple (Bin 4) B.  Leaves Compound C.  Flowers contain six petals, violet (Bin 3) C.  Flowers contain four petals, white (Bin 2)

Herbarium specimen

Here is a photo of the herbarium specimen that I made while I was in Hooper Bay, AK last summer. This was my first time creating an herbarium specimen so it was a great learning experience.   Here are the herbarium specimen I made for this assignment. I just used …

Pressed plants

I made my plant press out of pieces of plywood from our garage and several textbooks. Berries are near and dear to my heart so I pressed two species of berries I have in my community. The thimbleberry is my absolute favorite berry of all time and I bushwhacked through …

D. keys

It seems I am not the only one struggling with this assignment. I understand the concept of dichotomous keys but I find it very difficult to decipher certain plant characteristics through a photograph. For instance, even on the exercise with the two different species of violets, I keyed out different …

Dichotomous Oy.

I chose to focus on just one feature present in the four bins. (Thank you, https://northernwoodlands.org/articles/article/needles-leaves). And that was plenty. It’s a bit of a logic puzzle. It took me a long time to think my way through labelling the choices A/A1—F in the second version I wrote. Still not …

Dichotomous Keys

Having very little experience with dichotomous keys and only a little experience with the proper names of plant pieces and parts, I struggled with this assignment and still am not sure what I’m doing. Though I’m familiar with some plant parts and use those for identification, the photos in the …